This is my first year setting yearly goals instead of monthly or weekly goals. I feel like I will have a roadmap for the year if I can write out the goals I want to accomplish in 2020.
I always have goals, ideas and plans in my head. And more often than not those ideas get lost in my brain. I forget to plan for the goal or idea or I forget what the idea was entirely.
I want 2020 to be different. I want to look back at this post throughout the year and be encouraged to prep, plan and execute these goals!
Recap of 2019
I feel like 2019 had a lot of growth opportunities for me. I learned how to “disconnect” myself from constant worry and I stopped getting involved in drama. Instead of feeling like I had to react or take control I let things play out.
I have a mindset like this: everything that I should have or is for me will make its way towards me, I don’t have to live in fear of missing out.Â
2019 wasn’t easy, with all that growth came a lot of growing pains. At times I was paralyzed with guilt (mostly over parenting) or with feeling not good enough, or with depression that caused me to lay in bed for a week straight until I snapped out of it.
Towards the end of this year (2019) I found a great physician who prescribed an antidepressant to help stabilize my mood. The first few weeks were rough and I almost gave up on taking my medication. But, my husband said he noticed a positive difference in me and encouraged me to follow through with my doctor’s advice.
I’m so glad I did. I can feel the change. And I can’t help but wish I would have reached out to my doctor for help 5 years ago. I had a 1 year old baby and my 2 older kids, my husband traveled a lot for work and I was a mess.
If you’re a mom and you’re reading this I want you to know your mental health is SO important.
I didn’t value my mental health before. This past year really pushed me to stop being a people pleaser, to practice self-care often and to take care of my mental health.
It’s not a sign of weakness to get help. Let me repeat that.
Moms, it’s not a sign of weakness to get help!
Some of The Moments/Memories/Things in 2019:
- Â JANUARY Attending The 5 Love Languages Marriage Conference with Dr. Gary Chapman – going to this marriage conference helped strengthen our connection and encouraged us to find a marriage conference or retreat yearly.
My sister Hope and her husband Joe invited us to the marriage conference. - FEBRUARY Went all in with my self-care goals and started a subscription at Hiatus Spa. I kept it all year because it’s so affordable and I enjoy going in for relaxation time monthly.
- MARCH Camping with our family friends at Paradise Canyon.
- APRIL Family day at one of my favorite places: The Historic Pearl.
- MAY I learned how about microgreens. I grew chia seeds and broccoli seeds.
- JUNE Schools out and that means a weekend at the beach with friends!
- JULY We had to put down our dog, Chico. The hardest part (other than making the decision to let him go) was watching my children go through the grieving process. So heartbreaking.
- AUGUST We welcomed a new puppy into our hearts and home. Paddington is a Shih Tzu and he’s the most adorable puppy I’ve ever met!
- SEPTEMBER Flew to Washington DC with my sister. Together we run and we went to our first conference, FinCon19.
- OCTOBER Family day trip to Perdanales State Park. I planned what I thought would be a beautiful day of exploring. Turns out the kids fight a lot despite the 8 year age gap and we had 1 kid get car sick.
- NOVEMBER Thanksgiving with my sister and her family was special.
- DECEMBER We updated the kitchen and it looks amazing now! I’m also glad we were able to follow through will all of our Family Holiday Traditions and not feel stressed during the busiest season of the year. And we got another PUPPY! Yes, we now have 2 puppies and 3 kids. Busy…busy…busy!
My 2020 GoalsÂ
Commit to a 30 day Challenge each month. I bought the Commit 30 planner for 2020. Find more information here. January will start with drinking a glass of celery juice each morning. The rest of my challenges will be shared on my Instagram stories. Don’t forget to follow along!Â
Eat a plant based whole food diet by planning out our meals weekly. I’m usually good about meal planning but the last quarter of 2019 felt like a free for all and we definitely ate more fast food and junk food.
Read 50 (or more) books in 2020. I have so many books at home that I want to read. I’ll keep track of the books I read in a separate post on the blog. I love audio books because I can listen in while I’m working, driving, on the treadmill or in the bath. I use Audible and the Libby app for my audio books.
Exercise -Weight lifting three times per week on a M-W-F schedule.
Have a sit down at the dinner table kind of dinner at least 2 times per week. Because of sports, clubs, meetings and training we don’t get to eat together at the dinner table. Most nights I find myself eating in the kitchen while I clean up and watch/talk to the kids who are at the table. One of my favorite memories growing up is eating family dinners together each night, we ate really late though sometimes between 8-10pm and that’s just too late for us to eat.
Bring back family game nights one time per week. We love playing charades, UNO, Trouble and card games and we always have fun!
Attend 1 marriage seminar or retreat in 2020. After going to the 5 Love Languages Marriage Conference the biggest tip we heard was to continue learning about marriage by attending at least 1 conference per year.
At least 1 date night out per month. Date nights at home are so easy and comfortable but we need to get out of the house and away from the kids sometimes!
Finish painting with gloss paint. Our walls have a flat white and it gets so dirty! We need to paint the hallway and bedrooms.
Convert part of the garage into a home office.
Plant trees in our backyard.
Print out our family pictures and get them framed and up on the walls.
Finally get curtains up!
Continue to declutter.
Consistency with the Love More Live Blessed Podcast – I started with 3x a week and because I couldn’t meet that commitment in 2019 my podcast suffered and it almost became a chore. I’m going to start out 2020 with 1 podcast episode a week which I think will be much more doable!
Plan ahead of time for each quarter. I already planned all of my blog posts for Quarter 1 of 2020!
Batch blog posts and social media posts for both blogs.
Increase Affiliate income for 2020.
Baby step #2. Our credit card debt needs to go! If you’re interested in personal finance topics check out my other blog.Â
Learn more about no spend challenges.
I will be giving you updates on my progress on my goals throughout the year.
What are YOUR goals for 2020? I’d love to hear! Jot them down in the comments!
Do you get the Resource Page?
Each week I'll send you the latest Resource Page. In it, you'll find
- Handy tips for focusing on positivity throughout your week.
- Tricks for getting your kids to listen to your every word (just kidding,Girl-- I'm still working on getting my kids to listen!) But I will send you fun activity ideas for you and your kids to do together.
- Useful tools that I come across, like meal planning ideas and such!