How is happiness found? What do we have to do to be happy? How does that work? Happiness for me doesn’t mean I have everything in it’s perfect place. Although, I won’t lie. I wish I had everything in a perfect place. To me, happiness is looking at the mess, whether it’s at work, …
Home Matters Linky Party #94
Welcome to the weekly Home Matters Linky Party. A great place to come, share your blog posts, and make new friends. Home Matters Linky Party #94! Thanks for swinging by Home Matters! We hope you had a lovely 4th of July weekend, and that you are ready to party again. We are looking forward to …
Summer Bucket List Ideas
Have you gotten the “I’m bored” thing from your kids yet? Yeah, me too. Summer is in full force here in San Antonio. The other day the temp outside was 102 degrees, felt like 115 degrees though! Of course, that was the day my kids and I decided to bike ride to the library. We …
A Woman of Strength and Purpose
I have always been a stubborn person. I’m a Taurus for goodness sake. Most of the time things have to go my way or no way. (I’m working on this!) The book, A Woman of Strength and Purpose by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias opened my eyes to how I can use my bold spirit to serve …
Home Matters Linky Party #93
Welcome to the weekly Home Matters Linky Party. A great place to come, share your blog posts, and make new friends. Home Matters Linky Party #93! Happy Birthday, America! Happy 4th of July Weekend! Thanks for joining us at this week’s party. We hope you will find lots of fun and inspiration. We are looking …
Backyard Summer Fun for Kids
What happens when you have tons of kids home in the summer? You go crazy that’s what. This summer we have 10 kids home with us! Want to know how old they all are? Of course you do, they are 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 yr old (twins), 9, 10, 11, and 12. Plus-we have a …