Family, Positivity for moms

Goal Setting For Moms And Families

It’s just about that time of year again. A new year always brings on an idea of freshness, possibility and excitement for me. I’m ready for a new planner, for decluttering and for a changes to my workout routine.

Do you feel the same way about each new year?

One thing that has happened often to me is this: I think up these amazing goals in my head. I think of everything that would happen if I could reach my goal. How happy I’d be once I fit into my size 6 American Eagle Jeans. How happy I’d be if the house was organized and free of clutter.

Did you catch what I wrote up there?

I think up these amazing goals IN MY HEAD. 

So the goals live in my head and instead of becoming something to work towards, they become daydreams. Wishful thinking.

Ever happen to you?

Goal setting is so important. But, also important is creating  a plan to help you achieve your goals!

I think this level of goal setting is life-changing. How many times have you set a goal and planned on how to overcome the obstacles?

I can only imagine how different my own life would be had I known about goal setting this way as a teen or young adult.

Setting goals with your family gets your children involved and they can see how positive thinking, proper planning and persistent progress get you to your goals every single time!

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash


  • GOAL. What is your goal? Sit back and think of what needs to be changed to make the biggest impact on your life right now. Do you need to go back to school? Do you need to lose 25 lbs? Do you need to get rid of all the mess in your home?


  • WHY? What is the motivation for completing your goal? You most likely have two “whys.” One you wanna talk about and the “other why” that is personal. Let me give you an example: I met a blogger who had over 20K in followers on Twitter. I was just starting out and asked her about her strategy. She refused to tell me anything about Twitter, all she said was “oh it’s hard.” I was super annoyed by her response because I am someone who is willing to help out and share with anyone. So I set a goal for myself. I would reach 10K followers on Twitter before the end of the 2016. I ended New Year’s Eve with 9,990 followers and reached 10K within the first few days of 2017. My “other why” was just to prove to myself that I could figure out Twitter on my own!


  • CREATE THE PLAN.  I recommend doing mind mapping or writing out a bullet list of things you need to do and can scratch off once completed. So if you want to lose 25lbs break it down into 2lb goals for each month. Schedule in your workouts weekly, your weigh days, the kind of diet you need to eat. Be very specific.


  • WHAT CAN STOP YOU? Make a list of things that could derail your progress. Do you have a pattern of failure? Look back and think about what things you’ve failed at before. Once you come up with everything that can make you fail make a plan to overcome those obstacles. Going on with the losing wieght example maybe a few fails are things like: eating out too often, not going to the gym to workout. To overcome those obstacles you could: have 5-6 healthy freezer meals ready in your freezer at all times that way if you don’t feel like cooking you can skip the drive thru and re-heat a healthy meal at home. If you know you’ve quit the gym so many times in your past, make the gym come to you. Set up a mini home gym with a few weights, kettlebells and treadmill.


  • MOTIVATION. Pick something to keep you motivated. Maybe a song that you can download or stream and play it when you feel unmotivated. Create a vision board for your goal and keep it in a prominent place. Use anything that will reignite your desire to reach that goal!



Goal setting. How to set and accomplish goals for moms and families.goal setting, planning goals, tracking goals, accomplishing goals, goal digger, motivation, inspiration, how to reach your goals, reaching your goals, realistic goals, accountability, resolution



Remember, setting goals for yourself and your family is a good thing. You want to teach your kids persistence and hard work really do pay off. In this instant gratification type of  world, I believe learning about persistence is important.

Goal setting, failing and starting up again teaches all of us how to be resilient.

And in this life I can think of nothing better than to be able to roll with the punches. You won’t go crazy if you can keep moving forward.

So yes, I know you’re busy. But, take a moment for yourself and pick 1 personal goal and 1 family goal. Go through the steps and create a plan that will impact your future.

Happy Goal Setting!




How to stay positive when you feel like you can’t 

27 things to do when you feel sad 

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  1. Handy tips for focusing on positivity throughout your week.
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Crystal Mendez

Crystal is a work from home mom who loves to write about home life, living with a demanding toddler and the journey towards debt free living.

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  1. I love your tips! I am a big planner mama and love setting goals for myself to accomplish. Some I accomplish and some I don’t. I really need to work on being consistent with my work and just getting it done. Your tips are going to help me improve on that and my other goals as well. Thanks girl!

    1. Crystal Mendez says:

      Thank you Ros Emely!

  2. Great tips on setting goals. I found them just when I needed them. Thank you very much.

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