Positivity for moms

3 Ted Talks To Inspire You To Be Positive & Successful

Maybe you’re in a slump. Or you’re just not feeling like yourself right at this moment. You might just need to change your way of thinking and these 3 Ted Talks will inspire you to be positive and successful.

Do you need some motivation to keep your positive thinking going?

Totally ok to admit it, I need help with positive thinking too! I try to focus on being positive every single day. Being a positive person may not come natural to you (it doesn’t to me) and you may feel weird about being so optimistic but hey, it’s worth it.

Seriously though, humor and positivity can turn your day around. I like to watch Ted Talks in the morning while I’m getting ready or while I’m walking on the treadmill.

So, the next time you feel the negativity seep in, play one (or all!) of these Ted Talks. You’ll have a different mindset in less than an hour.

 1. The Happy Secret To Better Work this is a top favorite of mine! Shawn Achor is funny and gives you actionable tips on how to create happiness, and it’s not just for work- I’ve been able to apply this to everyday life.



 2. Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are you’ll be thinking twice about how you’ll stand and sit after watching this one. Do you have to talk in front of others often or have a job interview coming up? Be sure to watch this! I watched this one before the interview and felt confident and got the job!


 3. Eight Secrets Of Success This Ted Talk is short, under 6 minutes and it’s good! Richard St. John quickly tells us the secrets of success he’s heard from people like Goldie Hawn and Rupert Murdoch.


Did you enjoy these Ted Talks? I enjoy watching these early, while I’m drinking coffee and getting ready. Nothing like a dose of caffeine and positivity at 6am! Don’t forget to PIN 🙂

 Ted Talks will inspire you to be positive and successful. boost your self confidence, how to be more positive, secrets of success,


You May Like: 

How to stay positive when you feel like you can’t 

7 secrets of a happy mom 

7 more ways to be a happy mom 

27 things to do when you feel sad 

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  1. Handy tips for focusing on positivity throughout your week.
  2. Tricks for getting your kids to listen to your every word (just kidding,Girl-- I'm still working on getting my kids to listen!) But I will send you fun activity ideas for you and your kids to do together.
  3. Useful tools that I come across, like meal planning ideas and such!
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Crystal Mendez

Crystal is a work from home mom who loves to write about home life, living with a demanding toddler and the journey towards debt free living.

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  1. I always hear about Ted Talks, but have actually never listened to one!! Listening while you’re on the treadmill is a good idea… I might have to try that today (there’s my treadmill motivator! LOL)
    Pam recently posted…10 Ways to Get Siblings to Stop FightingMy Profile

  2. connie francis says:

    Thank you – so valuable.

  3. I’ve been hearing a lot about TED talks but haven’t really tried watching one yet. These suggestions would be a great start thanks for these!

  4. Meditation is also helpful to overcome stress. It will help you to change your negative thought to the positive one.
    Amazer recently posted…Raise Your Vibration with Powerful Law of Attraction MeditationMy Profile

  5. Great choice of videos, i have read about Ted talk many times but never saw any of the videos yet. It made my work easy. Thank you.

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