May came and went, this year is flying by. I turned 37 this month. There have been so many opportunities for growth this year.

This year I feel more confident in who I am. I also know what I need to work on. There’s a peace in knowing who I am and knowing even though there’s still a way to go personal development wise, I can love who I am right now and love the road I travel as I journey on.
I finished RN school
In 2021 I started the pre-reqs to get into a LVN to RN Bridge program. I spent 11 years as a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) before going back to school for my RN. In the Fall of 2022 I was accepted into the Bridge program and started a 9 month journey of severe test anxiety, feeling stuck in survival mode, and what felt like endless clinical hours.
There were times I asked myself: Why would you go back to nursing school? and I’d even say I could quit right now. But most of the time I just said my little mantra: I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

I am taking my boards (the NCLEX) in 2 short weeks. And I am so grateful and excited to experience the opportunities that being a RN will bring into my life. Education is life changing. Never stop learning.
What I am excited for moving on
I took a break from the blog, the podcast and Instagram in general in order to fully concentrate on nursing school. I am looking forward to new blog posts, a revamp for the podcast and showing up to share how we can focus on being wildly optimistic. I hope you’re ready for this!
- Soon I will be offering Virtual Reiki sessions
- Please follow along via Instagram
I am incredibly grateful for you. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Do you get the Resource Page?
Each week I'll send you the latest Resource Page. In it, you'll find
- Handy tips for focusing on positivity throughout your week.
- Tricks for getting your kids to listen to your every word (just kidding,Girl-- I'm still working on getting my kids to listen!) But I will send you fun activity ideas for you and your kids to do together.
- Useful tools that I come across, like meal planning ideas and such!