
The Way Things Work Themselves Out

As I continue writing this positivity series I find myself feeling more and more optimistic. I wrote here, how I struggle with being positive all the time. It’s definitely a mindset change but it’s not impossible.

In fact, it gets easier every day. This morning, for example, I woke up with back pain (as usual) instead of focusing on the pain and feeling annoyed because I could not  sleep in, I started telling myself everything I was grateful for. It worked, I made it out of bed and started my morning.

This morning (it’s Saturday) I’m thinking about the way things work themselves out. This is important to think about because if you realize that things will have a way of working out you’ll save yourself tons of worry. Seriously, how many times a day do you worry about  something that you have no control over?

Here are a few things I’ve found myself worrying about this week: 

  • The “clown” threat. My kids are genuinely scared of the clown threats at the schools these last few weeks. And I don’t blame them, what’s going on with these people?
  • Money. I had to replace my Macbook this week (because I spilled my tea/lemonade all over it and fried my laptop–it was so so sad!) Anyway, I was worried at first because a Macbook is not cheap.
  • Work. We have so many changes going on.
  • Blogging. I had a great start to October traffic but I noticed it slowed down, what happened?

So how are these worries working themselves out? 

Here’s the thing I realized. I have no control over the clown threat. What I do have control of is how my children perceive and respond to these threats. I instructed the kids to be aware of their surroundings, let an adult know if they see something (like a crazy clown, smh) and to stop worrying!

The broken MacBook. I mean my entire blogging life was on there. It did not turn back on. I do not know if I can recover any files yet. I am grateful that I was able to replace the MacBook the same day. And I learned some very valuable lessons:

1. Do not keep your MacBook in your purse and also hold your drink in the crook of your elbow as you try to grab yet another drink. Why? Oh, because your drink, you know the one in the crook of your elbow? Yah, the straw may puncture through the bottom and your tea/lemonade mixture will spill into your purse, soaking your MacBook and slowly killing it. Can we say hashtag truestory?? #truestory

Lesson 2: Keep your files backed up. This one should be a no-brainer but for me, it wasn’t and I reallllllly regret it.

Instead of focusing on how much it would cost to replace the MacBook I cut the losses knowing I could re-coup some of the money with upcoming projects on my blog. The thing with blogging is that you don’t have a steady income (at least I don’t yet) that you can count on each month. Each month I am earning more and more but the projects come when they want to, not necessarily when I need them to. However, as I paid out the over $1,000 to buy the new laptop I was optimistic about upcoming jobs. And guess what? They are coming in!

Work is another area that I think a lot of us worry about. I absolutely love my job and even though we have tons of changes coming in I’m focusing on staying positive. I know that staying strong, positive and happy will lead my students to feel the same way, so I keep a good attitude and try to face the changes as they come.

Blogging. I started out October with a bang! My traffic was higher than any other month this whole year but this week it slowly trickled out. I’m not sure what is happening but it’s motivating me to try new things.

The whole point I want to put across is that worrying about your problems does not create a solution.

Remaining optimistic, grateful and realizing that things have a way of working themselves out can help our problems. Thinking positive will have a greater impact on our lives than worry ever will. 

I know there are some of you who are going through a season in life that may be rough. Maybe right now you feel like your being pushed and pulled into so many directions. Hang in there. Keep positive and do things that make you happy.Sometimes things don't happen the way we wish they would. We lose family and friends or lose jobs. We feel like something is so wrong and sometimes can't shake that feeling off. I have a strong belief that things work themselves out. Everything will turn out okay, if we can step back, stop freaking out and believe. Click to read the post on my blog.


Update: I originally wrote this post on Saturday 10-15-16. The very next day I found out my job was no longer secure, our college campus had completely shut down leaving students devastated and fearful and leaving hundreds of instructors and staff members out of jobs. Over 2,500 people have been affected by the school’s sudden and dramatic closure. You can follow along on my FB page as we learn more about what happened to Career Point College. Nevertheless, I still remain convinced thinking positive and having a grateful heart will open more opportunities than worrying ever will.

You can find the rest of A Year of Positivity posts by clicking on the image below.


I am working on writing a new post for my series  A Year of Positivity each week, I’d love for you to follow along. You can sign up for my newsletter below!

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  1. Handy tips for focusing on positivity throughout your week.
  2. Tricks for getting your kids to listen to your every word (just kidding,Girl-- I'm still working on getting my kids to listen!) But I will send you fun activity ideas for you and your kids to do together.
  3. Useful tools that I come across, like meal planning ideas and such!
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Crystal Mendez

Crystal is a work from home mom who loves to write about home life, living with a demanding toddler and the journey towards debt free living.

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  1. I strongly believe that Let it be is the way of life
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  2. I am so sorry about your job. You seem to be handling everything very well and I know that great things are coming your way!
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