Positivity for moms

30 days of Gratitude Challenge

Here is a 30 days of Gratitude Challenge you can start anytime!

I created this challenge as a fun way to focus on gratitude. And as we are in the last 2 months of 2020, I realize I have so very much to be grateful for.

This year was HARD for me and I know it’s the same for so many of you.

First, came the anxiety as Covid and all the unknowns began.

Next, came depression over the summer went I took myself off Lexapro without consulting my doctor (don’t ever do that!).

I felt like the absolute worst mom ever.

I was working from home with three kids at home and no start date as to when they’d be back in school. My routine was nonexist, my work productivity suffered, and the house was always a mess.

One day I took a drive by myself and screamed as loud as could. Just to scream. I felt the weight of so many things on me and had no real way of coping. By the way, soon after this I did a FaceTime with my doctor and was put on different antidepressant medication.

At first, I felt ashamed. Ashamed that I needed a medication to be able to make it through the day without yelling, freaking out over stupid stuff. Ashamed just in a general sense that I wasn’t strong enough to fight the mental battles on my own.

Ashamed that some of the people I talked to it about told me I didn’t need the medication. That I would just get over it. I was ashamed I couldn’t live up to their expectation.

Eventually, as my mood leveled off with the wellbutrin, I realized I didn’t care what anyone thought.

Taking an antidepressant DOES NOT DEFINE ME.

I felt better about myself. I felt like a better mom. I felt like a better me. I loved myself again.

Okay….I feel like I totally got off topic.


Let’s get back to gratitude and the challenge. After going through all that over the year and finally being in a good place, I wanted to get back into focusing on gratitude every single day.

Which is the reason why I created this challenge.

I share on IG stories what I am grateful for every day based on the prompt in the challenge. If you want to start too, screenshot or download the image below and start sharing today.

If you do share tag me and I’ll share your post each day too!

You can save this post or share. Here’s the pin!

Do you get the Resource Page?

Each week I'll send you the latest Resource Page. In it, you'll find

  1. Handy tips for focusing on positivity throughout your week.
  2. Tricks for getting your kids to listen to your every word (just kidding,Girl-- I'm still working on getting my kids to listen!) But I will send you fun activity ideas for you and your kids to do together.
  3. Useful tools that I come across, like meal planning ideas and such!
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Crystal Mendez

Crystal is a work from home mom who loves to write about home life, living with a demanding toddler and the journey towards debt free living.

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