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Hey there, thank you for visiting my blog. This blog (and the podcast) have been a passion project for me since 2015. I started Love More Live Blessed to share my journey learning about positivity.
In my past – I was the mean mom, the yelling mom (I still yell sometimes, definitely not perfect) and even before I was a mother, I was the moody girl. If one thing went wrong I let that negativity bleed into every part of my life.
I attracted people in my life who were the same: complainers, Debbie Downers and just not very optimistic. This made for a life of constant frustration and crabbiness.
One day I decided enough was enough, there had to be another way to live. Instead of chasing the highs but mostly living in the lows, I wanted to enjoy life, be practical, be loving and at peace no matter what was going on around me. I wanted and needed emotional stability.
This want/need set the stage for me to throw myself into learning about positivity, law of attraction, religion and spirituality and eventually led into learning about self-care.
As a mom and step-mom to three kids, wife, daughter, sister and nurse, I absolutely made ZERO time for taking care of myself. Even thinking about visiting a spa, getting a massage or going out of town by myself made me feel so damn guilty.
At this point in my life I was 29 years old, overweight, bad skin, crazy looking clothes. I was also a people pleaser and could not, would not say to NO to anyone. Have you ever been a people pleaser? How about having trouble with boundaries and letting people walk all over you? Yeah, that was me too.
By 2018 I started taking self-care seriously. I bought a spa subscription (yes, it’s soooo worth it and cheaper than you may think) and started to make some major changes in my life:
- Set boundaries with my family (this was uncomfortable and took years)
- Set boundaries with my friends
- Let go of friendships/relationships that no longer worked/were too negative/draining
- Learned how to let go of mom guilt
- Focused on budgeting and getting out of credit card debt (this helped my mental health)
- Made self-care a part of everyday life
Want to know the best result of all this? Realizing my worth and value as a person. Falling in love with who I am and learning to love my body and have enough courage to make changes and not care what other people think.
Love More Live Blessed morphed from constantly searching for love and trying to find out how to be the best person into learning that living my best life meant LOVING MYSELF MORE.
Love really does change everything.
If you get anything from reading this today, get this: you have to love yourself more.
This quest towards positivity and self-care and self-love has been one of the most rewarding journeys in life. I’m happy you’re here to be part of it and hope I can add some positivity into your journey too!
Self-care guide for YOU!

Read in 5 minutes and make changes starting today!