How to get out of a bad mood. Getting out of a bad mood can be tough. I think it can be even tougher when you’re a mom, there’s so many things that are being thrown at us. No matter what bad moods are no fun and I know a few ways to get out of them!
We’ve all been there. Those grumpy mom moods where we can’t shake off the negativity. The kids are annoying. The laundry is piled up. And who the heck left the clutter all over the house?
On top of that you’re thinking about everything you need to get done and all the things you’ve dropped the ball on lately.
Bam! That makes for an instant and lingering worse mood for me. I start blaming. First myself and then others.
I get cranky, irrational and sometimes just plain mean.
And I know when I get like this because I won’t answer my phone. Even if its my favorite person—because I know I’m annoyed and I don’t want to be responsible for bringing someone else down.
*Sigh* Have you ever felt this way?
Chances are yes because you’re reading this. And you know, you’re human. We all go through these moods at some point or another.
The good news is you’re not alone. You’re not a terrible, mean mom. And you CAN help yourself out of those grumpy moods.
Reframe the situation
In this podcast episode (oh I didn’t tell you I started a podcast?) I talk about being annoyed with my son on family night. Here’s the thing, I promised him pizza for dinner and by the time dinner time rolled around I wanted tacos. He started complaining about tacos and I got irritated instantly!
I’m sure I was hangry at the time but still…
While driving to the pizza place I thought about it. If someone promised me one thing and then tried to give me something else I would be disappointed too. Why should I expect any different from him?
Changing the perspective helped me see there was nothing to be annoyed about. I was wasting my energy on a stupid fight about dinner.
Count the moments
A trick I learned from a very good friend is to count your blessings on your fingers when you’re in a bad mood. I took this one step further.
Instead of just listing the blessings, ie. my family, my house, etc., I count special moments in my life that I am so grateful for. One moment I love to remember is the first time I saw my son after he was born. I remember how soft his cheeks were and how absolutely perfect this tiny boy looked, all snuggled up in my arms. I can even remember the way he smelled.
That moment brings me so much joy and instantly transforms my bad mood into gratefulness. Another moment I love to think about is a day when my husband and I sat on the front porch, sipping on wine, no kids around. I remember my head on my husband’s shoulder and I sat listening to him softly sing along with the music we were playing.
Awww…just writing those moments out for you guys made me feel so good! Trust me, getting into the moments and remember the feelings of love, excitement or whatever feeling it might be really helps you change your state of mind.
This one is super simple, just get out there and MOVE your body. Releasing the endorphins can help you feel better when you’re in a bad mood. Grab your headphones and go for a brisk walk. If you can’t get time alone try walking up and down your stairs, do squats or run/jog in place for 15 minutes.
Shower Meditation
If the stress of the day has worn you down do a quick meditation. Jump in the shower and envision the water washing away all of your stress. You can even do the count your moments idea. Bonus points if you light candles or better yet take a relaxing bath!
And the last idea that will help you get out of that bad mood….
Stop taking things personal!
Trust me, I know this one is easier said than done. I knnoooww! I used to take things so personal. I wanted everyone to like me. I was so offended when people did things that I perceived were wrong.
But you know what I learned? Everything is NOT all about me. Shocker, right? 😉
Seriously though, when I stopped worrying about everyone else and just focused on myself life got so much easier.
When you stop taking things personal you stop caring what other people think about you. And that’s a very good thing. Because sometimes our bad moods are the result of thinking someone has wronged us in some way.
The truth is people have their own problems to work out and most of the time you have nothing to do with it.
My new project, Positive Moms Podcast is tailored for busy moms just like you. Each week day I record one helpful (and short) podcast with topics that help you focus on positivity. You can check the podcast out on Itunes, Overcast – that’s my favorite podcast app or with the Anchor App.
Self-care guide for YOU!

Read in 5 minutes and make changes starting today!
LOVE this post. Being a Mom is stressful! Everyone is depending on you and when you are pushed and pulled in a million different directions, all the while putting yourself on the backburner, it’s no wonder we get stressed/end up in a bad mood. I’ll have to try the shower meditation (after I lock the bathroom door, of course because if I don’t…). I love that it’s not something ‘extra” that I have to add to my routine, but something I can incorporate into what I already do (on most days- when there’s time LOL). I couldn’t agree more about the exercise! Those endorphins are great mood boosters! It also makes you feel better when you feel good/healthy and especially when you see the rewards of your hard work by fitting into your clothes nicely. 🙂