5 Summer Self-care tips for moms. Summer is the perfect time to set new self-care routines for yourself.

5 Summer Self-care Tips for Moms

Summers for moms can mean two things – we’re grateful for the break from getting kids to school AND we’re a little stressed about the kids not being in school all day. 
Instead of having a hot-mess summer let’s try working on self-care instead. 
5 Summer Self-care tips for moms. Summer is the perfect time to set new self-care routines for yourself.
Today’s podcast episode covers 5 easy ways to work on your self-care this summer:
  • slowing down in the morning with a new routine
  • vitamin D really does make a difference
  • your hobbies don’t have to bring in income, but they do need to spark joy
  •  + more tips
Listen to the episode and let me know what you plan on doing for yourself this summer.
Always remember, self-care matters because YOU matter.

My Skillshare link: https://skl.sh/3a4iI2i

Quick tips breakdown (if you can’t listen to the podcast): 

Summer Self-care tips

Slow down in the morning. For most of us, summer means no morning drives to school. The kids get to sleep in and you have a chance to get some time for yourself.

Think about what you can add in for yourself. Maybe it’s quiet time, a brisk walk around the neighborhood, or just taking enough time to shower and get dressed for the day. What have you been wanting to do that you don’t have time for?

Spend time outside. Nature is healing and being out in nature can work wonders for your mood. Plus, getting some time in the sun each day helps with Vitamin D production. Here’s a link on how to safely get your Vitamin D from sunlight. 

You can also try hiking, walking near water, finding new trails around your city, or bird watching.

Clear out your social media. Following someone whose posts triggers feelings of inadequacy, anger or jealousy in you? It’s time to hit that block button. Or, at the very least unfollow.

You can also try spending less time on your phone. A part of my nightly self-care routine is putting my phone away. I used to be on my phone right up until I fell asleep. Now, once the time hits for my night-time skin care I make sure my alarm is on and my phone gets put away. This way I focus on winding down, prepping for the next morning and spending screen-free time with my husband.

Try a new hobby. This is my favorite form of self-care. I’ve re-learned how to crochet and love using Skillshare to learn so many new skills. I’ve done art classes, crochet classes and photography classes. If you are a lifelong learner you should check out Skillshare. Learning a new hobby can help with depression and anxiety. My Skillshare link: https://skl.sh/3a4iI2i

Maintain a sleep schedule. This seems like a no-brainer but it’s not for me. I’m still trying to maintain a sleep schedule so I’m not so tired in the morning. What is helping: waking up at the same time each day (even on weekends,) staying off my phone at night, making sure I’m getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
During the summer I go to bed a lot later than the rest of the school year. You might do that too and that’s perfectly fine as long as we make sure we’re getting the amount of sleep we need each night.
I hope these summer self-care tips are helpful. I’d love to hear what you have planned for yourself this summer.
5 summer self-care tips for moms. Make time for yourself this summer. Here's some self-care ideas to get you started.

Self-care guide for YOU!

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Crystal Mendez

Crystal is a work from home mom who loves to write about home life, living with a demanding toddler and the journey towards debt free living.

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