
Lessons from the book A Return to Love

“Self perception determines our behavior if we think we’re smaller, limited, inadequate creatures then we tend to behave that way and the energy we radiate reflects those thoughts no matter what we do. If we think we’re magnificent creatures with an infinite abundance of love and power to give then we tend to behave that way. Once again the energy around us reflects our state of awareness.”

I totally believe that there’s so much power in our thoughts and our perceptions and the way we think and view ourselves and then how we act and project ourselves into the world.

So, if you think you’re small and inadequate you’re going to behave that way and your life situations will arrange themselves to keep making you feel small, limited, and inadequate.

But, if you think that you’re magnificent and have infinite abundance of love and power to give then you’re going to behave that way. And you’re going to have situations that make you feel like you have an abundance of love and power and you’re able to give that away.

The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.

I know a lot of us struggle with forgiving others and even forgiving ourselves. When we can forgive we heal ourselves and when he heal ourselves we show up at better people.

Forgiveness is something I am still working on. There’s the act of forgiving and then the act of letting it all go. That’s the part I am stuck on. I think I can forgive, the hard part for me is: where do the people I am forgiving fit in my life? What if I don’t want them in my life anymore? Can I forgive and let go and be at peace with whatever happens?

“The past is over it doesn’t matter who we are where we came from what Mommy said what Daddy did what mistakes you made what diseases we have or how depressed we feel. The future can be reprogrammed in this moment we don’t need another seminar another degree another lifetime or anyone’s approval in order for this to happen.”

“The past is over,” this something that comes up a lot especially in the podcast. I think that a lot of us tend to live in our heads in the past and go over things that happen to us or the past mistakes that we have made.

I love where she writes the future can be reprogrammed in this moment you don’t need a degree you don’t need a seminar you don’t need another lifetime you don’t need to wait for anybody’s approval about your future. You get to decide and you can figure out what you want right in this moment and you can just let the past go.

In regards to everyone you encounter “as you see him you will see yourself as you treat him you will treat yourself as you think of him you will think of yourself never forget this for in him you will find yourself or lose yourself.” 

So when we are using a lot of our energy to judge the actions of other people we are in fact judging ourselves as well.

These were some of my favorite lessons learned from reading the book A Return To Love. I talked about more in the podcast episode of this post.

This book will help you understand A Course in Miracles. And even if you’re not interested in the book A Course in Miracles, A Return to Love will give you a different way to look at the world.

I think we can always make time to view the world from a different perspective.

You can listen to a version of this post on the podcast.

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Crystal Mendez

Crystal is a work from home mom who loves to write about home life, living with a demanding toddler and the journey towards debt free living.

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1 Comment

  1. Love More Live Blessed” is an uplifting and heartwarming blog that radiates positivity and joy. The author’s words are a beacon of inspiration, reminding us all of the importance of love, gratitude, and living a blessed life. Their writing is not only beautifully expressive but also deeply meaningful, leaving readers with a sense of warmth and hope. This blog is a reminder of the simple yet profound ways we can enhance our lives and the lives of others. It’s a wonderful source of encouragement, encouraging us to embrace the power of love and gratitude. Thank you for sharing such a heartwarming and uplifting message.

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