Mindfulness tips to try today
Positivity for moms

Mindfulness Tips: How to Improve Your Awareness

Mindfulness. You may have heard of it, decided it’s New Age BS and went back to living a distracted life. Not judging – hey, I did the same thing a few years ago. Pretty much thinking – I ain’t got time for mindfulness. 😉


Mindfulness tips to try today



Well, I ended up learning (the hard way) how important mindfulness really is and how mindfulness can change lives.

Mindfulness. What the heck is it?

Mindfulness is defined as “awareness of the present moment with no judgement.” Mindfulness is being able to get out of your feelings and the judgment part of your brain and just look around you and become aware of your surroundings. Mindfulness has been around thousands of years and dates back all the way to ancient Eastern teachings like Hinduism and Buddhism.

Why should we use mindfulness tips and techniques daily?

If you think about it, our modern age can be overwhelming. We are online and available 24/7 with our smartphones. We stress about social media, our jobs, and our family life constantly.

You may be reading this thinking, “I don’t have time to add mindfulness to my day.” Let me tell you though, if you’re thinking you’re too busy to add mindfulness into your life – YOU REALLY NEED IT!

Mindfulness techniques can help stop attack thoughts.

Attack thoughts are when you are living in your head – hashing over the past, re-living all the stupid mistakes you’ve made or re-living how others treated you badly.

Attack thoughts serve no purpose in life. Yesterday is over. We only have this moment. So, attack thoughts need to go. And Mindfulness can help you with evicting those thoughts out of your brain.

Mindfulness can help you make better decisions. Instead of overreacting to stress you can be calmer and more in control of yourself and the situation. Mindfulness can also help decrease the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity.

mindfulness tips to try today

Easy mindfulness practices that you can try today.

4X4X4 Breathing 

What you’re going to do is take a deep breath, inhaling for 4 seconds, hold the breath in for 4 seconds and then exhale for 4 seconds. Focusing on your breathing gets you out of your brain. If you notice your mind starts to wander, gently bring your attention back to your breathing. Before starting, decide on the amount of time you have for this deep breathing exercise and set a timer. I usually do this before bed to help me relax and sleep better.

How to use mantras for mindfulness. 

A mantra can be one word, a phrase, a sound or even a syllable that is repeated several times (like 20-50 times a day) to help you focus on the present moment.

You can choose whatever phrase word or sound that you’re drawn to.

I believe mantras are deeply personal so really think about what you want in your life.

My current mantra is: I am loved. I am cared for. I am protected. I am supported. I can relax.

This mantra is personal to me because I want to focus on feeling supported at this time in my life. I am back in school after being out for 10 years. I’m working full-time and have 3 kids, 2 dogs to care for. Life, chores, activities, cooking, working and homework can start to feel overwhelming to me.

When I repeat my mantra, I remind myself that my life is supported. That I am protected, loved and cared for. I can relax. And yes, this really helps me! I was inspired to use these particular phrases when looking over the book notes I took for the book A Return to Love.

Another mantra I’d like to share is very popular. Google the story surrounding this mantra: Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.

mindfulness techniques

Positive thinking is not overrated. 

This one is short and sweet. When you feel like a bad mood is on its way, try to stop it with positive thinking. This can be as simple as taking out your hand and counting five different positive memories that you have.

Think of things that bring you joy. Your wedding day or finding your life partner. The moment you laid eyes on your baby. Your first kiss. How it felt when you bought your first home.

What’s gratitude got to do with it? 

Mindfulness and gratitude can go hand in hand. Practice gratitude by writing down 5 to 10 things you are grateful for. Or you can make a mental list in your head.

Pro tip: write down your daily gratitude list in your planner. I use this digital planner and write a gratitude list daily.

Get your family to practice gratitude too. At the dinner table or on a car ride ask your family to tell you a few things they’re grateful for. I bet your kids will surprise you with their answers.

Do you use any of these mindfulness tips/exercises in your daily life now? Let me know in the comments.

Listen to this blog post on the podcast. I always give more real-life examples on the podcast. 🙂 

Mindfulness tips and techniques you can use in everyday life.

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Crystal Mendez

Crystal is a work from home mom who loves to write about home life, living with a demanding toddler and the journey towards debt free living.

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  1. Meditation is something that I really wish I could do but it always seems like I cannot turn my brain off long enough to do it.

    1. Crystal Mendez says:

      I struggle with that as well. I try to refocus on breathing when I find my mind wandering.

  2. Crystal, your journey from skepticism to recognizing the importance of mindfulness is relatable. Your mindfulness tips are practical and beneficial, helping readers find peace in the present moment. Thank you for sharing your insights and techniques for a calmer, happier life!

  3. Your blog on ‘How to Improve Your Awareness’ is a brilliant guide to cultivating mindfulness and elevating self-awareness. The way you break down the process into actionable steps, coupled with practical tips, makes it an invaluable resource for anyone on the journey of personal development. Your insights not only shed light on the importance of awareness but also offer a roadmap for individuals looking to enhance their conscious living. It’s a thoughtful and empowering piece that resonates with readers, providing them with tangible tools to embrace a more mindful and intentional life. Kudos on delivering such a well-crafted and enlightening read!

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